Website/Software Development Quotation
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Website/Software Development Quotation

Inevitably the most important question for prospective clients is 'how much is my project going to cost', or 'what budget do I need to allocate to this project'?

Since Kbytes have completed over 50 projects we have been able to study these projects, that range from large to small, and broken them down into components that are measurable. By spending a little time and thinking about your desired system we can very quickly give you a Quotation price.

We are so confident that our estimated metrics are correct we will stand by any price determined by this Quotation, and if necessary, absorb any extra costs ourselves.

So we have developed this System Quotation tool to help you determine your budget is sufficient for what you desire us to produce.

Please fill in the Quotation Form below and press 'Submit' button to complete.

Quotation Form

Question 1: How many individual pieces of data will the system need to store? e.g. A company's website that simply displays the company's address and some pictures will store none, a system to maintain the Stock for a Car Sales Garage might have to store 30+ cars details and a online store with 1000s of products for sale might be required to store 100,000 items of data.
0 Items 10 Items 100 Items 1,000 Items 10,000 Items 100,000 Items 1,000,000+ Items
Question 2: How many different pages/screens will your proposed system have? e.g. A simple website might have 5 or so screens e.g. Home Page, About Us, Contact Us etc. A more complex property sales site might have different pages for divisional offices as well, whereas a large e-commerce store might have several hundred thousand.
1 Page 10 Pages 100 Pages 1,000 Pages 10,000 Pages 100,000 Pages 1,000,000+ Pages
Question 3: How many different form items will exist on the system? E.g. a Login box might contain 2 form items (Username and Password) whereas the data entry screen for a house sales site will have possibly 20 form items to capture the details of a house. Estimate the number of form items in the entire system by adding all the possible form items together.
0 Items 10 Items 25 Items 50 Items 75 Items 100 Items 250 Items 500 Items 1,000+ Items
Question 4: Does the proposed system have to integrate with an pre-existing system? E.g. an existing database or EPOS system
Yes No
Question 5: How many functions does the proposed system incorporate? A function can be considered to be e.g. A search function which displays a map or a file upload function. A simple brochure site will have none, a online shop might have 2 (e.g. Site Search Box and a facility to upload photos of products), whereas a online gambling site might have 5 or more (e.g. Flash based poker tables, Membership newsletters, Live Help controls, Top players Leaderboard or an affiliate marketing scheme).
Estimated number of functions
Question 6: Does your proposed system require Secure Transactions? This is technically known as a SSL Certificate, and can be seen as padlock on the browser. These are typically required where secure personal information is required to be stored.
Yes No
Question 7: Does your proposed system require e-commerce functionality - that is taking debit/credit card details over the Internet for payment to a Bank?
Yes No
Question 8: Does your proposed system require multi-language capability? Do you require that users in a different language e.g. French, German or Spanish be able to use the system and it be displayed in their language of choice?
Yes No
Question 9: Please select the currency of your region or territory. We can invoice you in this currency once the works have been completed or according to the schedule we devise. South African clients wishing to pay in Rand will be subject to additional costs due to currency control restrictions by your Government.

Pressing this form button will calculate a very rough 'ball park' figure for the development of your proposed application.


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