Kbytes is the name of Karl O'Meara's bespoke database design, software development, website development, search engine optimisation and website hosting endevour. He works with several regular partners to produce successful developments. He splits his time between London and Tarragona in Spain.
Why should you choose us? We are not the cheapest (because not all code is equal), we are not the fastest (because quality takes time), we are not even the most friendly (we are always brutally honest with your plans) - you should choose us because our systems succeed! Please see right hand column below and our portfolio for previously completed projects.
Bed and Breakfast Network High Performance e-commerce enabled class-leading global network of B&B websites with great Google visibility.
London Fashion Workrooms. Bespoke custom designed work production control system for a fashion tailoring workshop in Central London. Shop floor intelligence and control.
DBA Property LLP Busy Commercial Property Agents Website. Incorporating easy to use Content Management System for Agents use and Secure Login access for downloadable material.
The Gamers Guild Integration with existing EPOS system allowing near-real time stock level control on secure SSL based website for high street store.
We have been in business since 1997 and have seen many competitors come and go. If you choose us to assist you in whatever development project you have in mind you will find our depth and breath of experience will ensure that whatever your desired outcome we will make it happen.
Before calling us please have a good look around the site; in particular look at the example sites in our portfolio and consider the scope and scale of the application you'd like developing.
By comparing your calculations with each of our examples you will be able to make a rough estimate of how much your application will cost using our quotation system that asks just a few simple non-technical questions but can supply a very realistic estimated cost.
If your just setting out in business we will be particularly useful to you - we can act as business partner and mentors and can fill you in on what works and what doesn't. The benefit of this experience will mean that will know beforehand what you will have to do to get your business to succeed. We have a range of levels of partnership that we could enter into.
Please call us on +44(020) 8123 1321 Ref: Direct to discuss AFTER you have used the online quotation form.
We have added the of Kbytes Shareware and Backlinkware Software Directory for developers of all types of software to promote their own software via our website. If you are a developer and want to increase the exposure of your software you can use our Directory to promote, sell, and manage your own software.
We offer free use of our Paypal gateway, use of our free licencing system, and free use of our backlinkware management system Overseer (which ensures your backlinkware clients maintain their links to your site).
Thanks for visiting!
- All the Team at Kbytes
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© 2004 - 2025 1 Oak Hill Grove Surbiton Surrey KT6 6DS Phone: +44(020) 8123 1321 Ref: Direct